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MCS Library Vision and Mission Statements and Philosophy

Vision Statement 

  In collaboration with all stakeholders in the school’s learning community, the Morgan County 21st Century Library Media Programs will be the center of teaching and learning by providing access to quality collections and technologies by extending services beyond the library media center’s four walls and the school day.


Mission Statement

  The library media programs in each Morgan County School will support the school’s instructional program to improve student learning and student achievement. The mission is accomplished by:

  • Ensuring learners will be able to independently inquire, think critically, and to gain, create, and share knowledge.
  • Providing real and virtual access to appropriate, high-quality resources and services during and outside the school day.
  • Participating in curriculum development and design of learning activities.
  • Facilitating professional development for the learning community.



  The library media programs in Morgan County Schools seek to support the goals of the Morgan County Board of Education. The philosophy of our school system calls for “an educational environment with learning opportunities that foster intellectual, physical, social, and emotional development as a pace and level commensurate with each students’ unique blend of aptitudes, achievements, needs, learning styles and interests.”

  To fulfill this broad goal, courses of study prescribe the curriculum to be taught. Instructional materials are selected and adopted to support the curriculum. Each school has the responsibility for providing facilities, resources, and materials to prepare our students for a complex and changing society. Students must become skillful consumers and producers of information using a wide range of sources and formats to thrive personally and economically in the communication age. This rapport should provide such an environment that promotes the growth of each student into a healthy, resourceful, and well-adjusted adult member of the community. Each school will endeavor to provide the opportunity for each student to obtain the skills and knowledge which will enable them to live a productive and satisfying life.